Sometimes to make the gorgeous looking of form, we want to add font-awesome icons as placeholder. Most of us do not know how to add the font-awesome icons inside input.
There is a very easy and awesome way to add font-awesome icons into input as place holder.
I’m going to share now how to add font-awesome icons inside input. Before seeing the post, make sure that you properly integrated the font-awesome in your project.
After integrating font-awesome in your project now make the form as usual in your html file.
<blockquote><div class="form-group"> <input type="#" placeholder="Search"> </div></blockquote>
This is the html code.
Now add the code below in your CSS file,
<blockquote>.form-group ::-webkit-input-placeholder::before { font-family: fontAwesome; content:'\f002 '; color: #69f } .form-group ::-moz-placeholder::before { font-family: fontAwesome; content:'\f002 '; color: #69f } /* firefox 19+ */ .form-group :-ms-input-placeholder::before { font-family: fontAwesome; content:'\f002 '; color: #69f } /* ie */ .form-group input:-o-placeholder::before { font-family: fontAwesome; content:'\f002 '; color: #69f } /*opera*/</blockquote>
The font-awesome placeholder will work properly by this code. You can add custom style of the placeholder here.
Enjoy Coding